Friday, April 26, 2019

Anderson-Robertson-Todd Retirement Party April 2019

There were three retirements at Commerce Road on April 26, Robin Robertson, equipment operator from Wastewater Collections after 30 years, Horace Todd, trades supervisor in Stormwater after 14 years, and Michael Anderson, maintenance technician in Stormwater, after 20 years.

“We’ll really miss them, but want to honor their years of service,” said interim Deputy Director Howard Glenn, who recounted how he met each man and what they meant to him.

Robertson had “the best personality of anyone. I’ve never seen him upset,” said Glenn. “It’s been a pleasure to work with Mr. Todd because of his leadership and his ability to change my mind. He’s a mentor. He could lead the younger folks. He trained a lot of people.” He talked about Anderson’s experience and expertise on the flood wall.

All the men received personalized plaques and gifts, including street signs with their names on it and years of service. All had family members in attendance.