Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Accessing Your Email from Home

At one of the Director’s Brown Bag lunches, a question came up about accessing email from home computers or being able to turn on your Out of Office notice from a remote location.

To do this, open your Internet browser and type in A blue sign-in screen will appear. Indicate if you are using a private or public computer (public would be, for instance, one at a library where other people would be using the machine after you).

Type in the same user name and password you normally use to log in at work, except add a richva/ to the front of your user name.

An email window will open. It does not look exactly like the Outlook you use at work, but you can read and reply to emails and check your calendar. You can turn on the Out of Office Assistant under Options on the bottom lefthand side. You can also change your password.

Old browsers like Netscape 3.0 or below or Explorer 6 or below probably will not work, and Explorer 6 is no longer supported by Microsoft. You can update home browsers to the latest version for free. Popup blocking must be disabled for the page and cookies enabled, which you can do through the Internet tools menu.